Assignment of leads to salespeople and sending internal notifications.
The trigger can be any element or property defined for a specific contact, company or business opportunity. From there, different actions can be triggered such as sending a specific email, for example at a certain timedays after downloading a certain content from the web, for example. We have prepared some specific examples of tasks where you can take advantage of automated processes. HubSpot Workflow Examples in Inbound Marketing . Automatic sending of emails to potential clients. You probably have a large number of leads in your database that you consider topofthefunnel, because they are not yet in the purchasing phase, within the customers journey . They are simply looking for information about a product or service and have entered your website, clicked on some Calltoaction and downloaded specific content through a form. And then?You cant let these leads fall by the wayside. To avoid this, you can configure, thanks A Complete List Of Unit Mobile Number List to workflows, a series of followup emails that provide quality content you can take advantage and send a downloadable ebook and that will take your leads through the marketing funnel and closer to the sale. . We can configure a workflow in such a way that the action trigger is the download of a specific ebook from the web. In that specific case, the lead will receive a follow up email asking if they are interested in our services. If so, the notice will be sent directly to the commercial area. If not, we can continue programming new nurturing content. StepTrigger Screen ShotatStepSending follow up email nuturing . StepIfthen branches and actions if, then . ramos .
The quick and correct assignment of leads to salespeople is key for marketing and sales teams. Below, we show you an example of a workflow that is used to directly assign a lead that has completed a form to a salesperson and send an internal notification to them and to any of the parties involved. This simple workflow shows how once a lead requests to be contacted, an action is triggered. In this case, that lead is assigned to a specific salesperson and an internal notification alert is activated, which will automatically send an email to the designated salesperson with all the information necessary to follow up on this lead. assign . assign . Image source HubSpot . Monitoring of leads that contact through Chatbot. HubSpot has made it easier than ever to include a chatbot on your website.