The second step is choosing the brand name
There are many hosting companies that can be relied upon to host your store. But remember that some online store building platforms provide the option of hosting the store, so do not rush. The fourth step is the beginning of the implementation of building the online store Not all people have the technical knowledge that enables them to create an online store and enter the e-commerce market on their own, so you will have two options to build your store: either hire a professional web developer, or use one of the tools designated for building online stores. Hiring a web developer It is the most flexible option, as through a highly qualified and experienced web developer, he gives you more options within your store, as through his experience as a developer, he has complete freedom to add everything you want inside your store as you wish. Here at First Markets, we have website designers of the highest level.To learn more information about the front-end and back-end, go from here to Afghanistan WhatsApp Number the front-end and from here to the back-end, to learn what a web developer uses to create any website, and also from here to learn the difference between them. Choose a ready-made platform to build the store Like the free WooCommerce add-on available on the WordPress platform, it does not require prior knowledge of programming The fifth step is designing the online store with an attractive and elegant design that attracts the attention of customers and increases their confidence in your store and website. It is not only the appearance that is important in website design, but also that the user be able to enter the site from any device.
Whether it is a computer, tablet, or mobile phone, as well as the important details on the product pages, such as the striking image of the product, its description, details, price, and the category that this product belongs to. As well as providing the feature of searching in the store because the customer may not know whether the product belongs to which category?! Also, you must have the following pages on your website in general and your store in particular: The home page , which mostly contains the best-selling products, About Us , which is the page that introduces people to you, Contact Us , which contains all the data for reaching you, including addresses and phone numbers.