It is crucial to calculate ROI so it is clear whether a campaign or action resulted in a profit or loss. So, if it brings us profits, are those profits enough for the stock to be considered profitable? Knowing this will help us understand whether our activities are concentrated or whether we must modify our actions. Even though the campaign we run may be successful on a brand level, the ROI will tell us whether it is successful on a monetary level.
That is, depending on the returns obtained. For example, we may invest a lot more money in a meta-marketing campaign than Google does, and when we calculate the ROI, we find that Google's ROI is much higher. What exactly does this mean? Simple Binance App Users Data simple super simple. If we invest more on Google, the sales we achieve will be cheaper than the sales we achieve through Facebook. Understanding this will enable us to make more considered and objective decisions that will take into account the effectiveness of the activities undertaken.
Benefits of ROI Simply knowing what ROI is is not enough! To make it clearer for you, as I have already said, here are some of the most important benefits of measuring and calculating ROI: Evaluate the profitability of the investments you make Analyze and identify the marketing campaigns that perform best and then convert them into more More sales. Compare digital platforms to see where the company stands out. (If you have the vision):