Here are things that are dragging down the morale of your BB Marketing department and that you need to solve for the good of your entire company. . Your Marketing department has no objective In a previous life, before creating the Inbound Marketing agency SLN Web , I was a marketing manager in a technology company. When I joined, I immediately asked my General Manager what my objectives were. When he told me it was developing turnover, I immediately knew it would be complicated. If your Marketing department does not have morale, it is probably because it does not .
Have precise objectives which allow it to identify the relevant actions to carry out and the Mexico Phone Number Data performance indicators to follow to ensure that he is on the right track. Developing turnover or winning customers is not a Marketing objective, it is a purpose. Your Marketing department must have quantified and timebound objectives that are complementary to the objectives of the sales department . . Your Marketing department is hated by the Sales department I regularly meet BB companies in which the Marketing department and the sales department cannot get along.
At best, they dont talk to each other and never collaborate together. However, for the Marketing department to generate qualified leads and bring them to maturity before passing them on to sales, it is essential that the two departments agree on a common definition of the ideal prospect . This is the only way for the Marketing department to bring qualified leads to the Sales department. Otherwise, the Marketing department transmits leads that are too poorly qualified or not sufficiently qualified to salespeople who cannot convert them . And there, its the fight between the two services.