Have you discovered an error or is information no longer up to date? Let me know Do you find the information valuable? Give a contribution to the tip jar everything is welcome. Thank you very much Restaurant La Botica Continue Reading Renovation then and now Continue Reading Sitting comfortably on my terrace my search for coffeeworthy patio furniture Continue Reading Confused by all Rons – Costa Tropical rum Continue Reading hola_tropical_costa_logo_color_rgb infoholacostatropical.com .
D us there I was sitting on the floor on my spacious terrace in Salobreña dreaming of the perfect lounge spot to sip my morning coffee and admire the stars in the evening with at least a glass of wine a cerveza or clara. Imagine a spacious terrace a soft breeze and me there sitting on the ground dreaming of an ideal place to wake up with a cup of coffee enjoy and look at the stars later in the day..