本帖最後由 tamimislam55555 於 2024-5-15 16:24 編輯
This will allow easier circulation of your ads and will therefore lower the cost per result of your campaigns. In summary: more likes mean better performance at lower costs. Facebook doesn't live on likes alone We have seen why having a fair number of thumbs up is useful for improving your performance on social media. Now, however, let's take a step back and get a fundamental concept firmly in our heads: the success of a Facebook page cannot be measured by the number of Likes obtained! Let us always remember that increasing your followers, in and of itself , does not bring any fruit to our company.
Likes are a means, but they must not become the end of our digital strategy. The aim, how Norfolk Island Email List ever, must be to make social media a real and concrete business resource . To do this, however, it is not enough to expand your fan base: it is necessary to transform it into a community of interested users , who can eventually turn into customers. Some strategies, such as inviting all your friends to "Like" the page or, worse, purchasing fan packages, make no sense and no use. It is better to have a modest following, but involved and fond of the brand, rather than a large number of fans who will never get to the end of the purchasing process .
Analyzing the performance of a Facebook page means taking into account various factors, such as post coverage, number and quality of comments, shares, campaign performance and costs per result. Not just obsessively monitor the number of likes obtained day after day. All clear? Well! And now run and apologize to your social media manager!