You cannot make any discernible difference between these ads because each one has too few clicks to ever tell what’s going on. A greedy amount of ads also means that your ads won’t be auto-optimised towards your goals by online advertising platforms until there’s enough clicks to go on statistically. This could take several months or even years to achieve depending on traffic levels and ad placements. ppc ad testing flowchart A handy method whilst creating and optimising ads within an ad group I recommend creating three or four different themed text ads for every ad group.
Have the best of both worlds in terms of split testing speed and ad Benin WhatsApp Number optimisation. Once each ad has had 500 or so clicks, you can see which theme performed the worst across all ad groups, pause that ad; and at the same time create a new unique ad which may push performance even higher. Unbalanced Campaign Settings Are your campaign settings balanced and working together in harmony? which can mean that a final bid can look very different from the original maximum CPC bid once all the increases and decreases are taken into account.

Ppc campaign settings How many bid adjustments change your final bids? All these bid adjustments can significantly optimise a PPC campaign, effectively saving ad spend on users who don’t convert as well, and pouring that saved cost into those users who convert better than average. The overall effect of this is greater volumes of conversions without the need for extra ad spend or a loss of return on ad spend. When bid adjustments are applied to a campaign incorrectly, they can throw automatic bidding systems and increase or decrease maximum CPCs in a unbalanced and possibly unhealthy way.