Temu department store in an interview with the media that some experienced sellers choose to set up factories in Southeast Asia for processing or assembly, and the products are directly stocked in the warehouse closest to the destination consumers. Business-to-business delivery means shorter physical distances, stronger contract fulfillment capabilities, and a better consumer experience, especially for medium and large-sized products. Previously, Temu lowered the threshold for cross-border e-commerce through a
fully managed model, attracted more merchants to settle in, improved the Malaysia Phone Number Data richness of its products, and attracted a large number of users with its strong cost performance. Nowadays, the semi-managed model is also used to supplement the existing model of the platform. First, as the scale of platform users becomes larger and larger, it becomes more important to meet users' needs for faster delivery time. Secondly, the entry of more merchants with local delivery capabilities will also help Temu reduce logistics costs. Under the fully managed model, of all

Duoduo Cross-border logistics costs, only the domestic first-leg freight is shared between the merchant and Duoduo Cross-border, while the rest are borne by Duoduo Cross-border. Under the semi-managed model, merchants can ship goods on a book-to-book basis, avoiding the freight costs incurred by domestic first-leg transportation and international trunk transportation.